The Cowan Foundation Supports Youth Education at Argus

The Cowan Foundation is pleased to provide Argus Residence for Young People with a donation commitment of $97,500 over three years to strengthen educational outcomes for teenage youth in their care. Located in Cambridge, Argus provides young people with residential care and homelessness prevention.

“The Cowan Foundation's generous and important funding will provide enhanced educational support through one-to-one tutoring and provide learning opportunities for youth to build skills, overcome barriers, build resilience, self-worth and financial literacy,” said Mary Adamson, Board member at Argus.

Youth will be provided with 16 hours of professional tutoring support per week to strengthen educational outcomes and access to needed technology. In addition, volunteers from Cowan Insurance Group will deliver financial literacy workshops.

“We are pleased to support Argus and this innovative program. Providing youth with basic necessities is crucial but going a step further to provide them with the knowledge, tools, and mentorship lays the groundwork for a brighter future. Investing in transformative programs for youth is one of the ways The Cowan Foundation makes lives better for Canadians and we have great hopes for the youth who participate in this program,” says Mary D’Alton, Executive Director, The Cowan Foundation.

Argus has also entered into a three-year training, implementation and evaluation agreement with Cornell University to implement their care practice model. The CARE practice model provides an evidence-based approach to working with young people to support better youth outcomes. “The Cowan Foundation has provided the funding for Argus to hire teachers and Cornell has provided the framework to support better youth engagement. It’s a winning combination”, said Eva Vlasov, Executive Director.

Click here to read the full press release.

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