Cowan Foundation News

The Kitchener and Waterloo Community Foundation launches the 2014 Waterloo Region Vital Signs Report | The Cowan Foundation

Written by Admin | Oct 7, 2014 4:00:00 AM

Featured above clockwise starting top left: David Brenneman, Board Chair, KWCF; Attendees at the launch event; 2014 Vital Signs Priority Report; Rosemary Smith, CEO, KWCF

Earlier this morning, The Kitchener and Waterloo Community Foundation celebrated the launch of the 2014 edition of Waterloo Region's Vital Signs® - Priority Report. The annual report on community vitality acts as a method to spark discussions, create valuable connections, and encourage action through the identification of significant trends across key areas critical to the quality of life in Waterloo Region. This year’s Priority Report takes a deep dive into the four priority areas as identified in the full Vital Signs report launched last October: Belonging & Leadership, Health & Wellness, Arts & Culture and Getting Started.

“The Cowan Foundation has been a supporter of this initiative since its inception 7 years ago,” states Terry Reidel, Executive Director, The Cowan Foundation. ”We believe that Waterloo Region's Vital Signs provides trending data that has the potential to galvanize the community around areas of impact for the Waterloo Region.” 

Links to both the full 2013 edition along with the 2014 Priority Report can be found online at: